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arah ke barat bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "arah ke barat"
  • Some time back they had changed their direction to the west, but now... they are back to normal.
    Beberapa waktu lalu mereka telah berubah arah ke barat, tapi sekarang ... mereka kembali normal.
  • To create exclusive lanes for buses, the street would be converted to one-way westbound operation west of Sixth Avenue and one-way eastbound operation east of Fifth Avenue; a pedestrian plaza would be created between Fifth and Sixth avenues.
    Untuk membuat jalur khusus bus, jalan ini akan diubah menjadi satu arah ke barat di sebelah barat Sixth Avenue dan satu arah ke timur di sebelah timur Fifth Avenue; jaringan trotoar akan dibangun antara Fifth dan Sixth Avenue.